179 - C-Suite Issue Focus: Master Class in Addressing Pain Points - NO CEs
Level of Instruction:
Friday, September 29, 2023
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM MDT
Location: Cottonwood 1
Session Description: Please join us for this moderated panel and small group discussion for C-Suite management, featuring behavioral healthcare industry experts on the following topics: Work Force, Mentorship and Career Pathing, Advocacy, Woman in Leadership, General Business, Staying Engaged at C-Level. Following a brief introduction of the topics, participants will then choose one of the five topic small group working sessions, led by that expert, to discuss the issues at hand, working together to find solutions. The panel and small group discussion will provide valuable insight, perspectives, and practical advice and provide attendees with an opportunity to network, enhance their skills, inform their decision-making, and contribute to their organization’s overall success. At the conclusion of the workgroups, one participant will present their work together with the assistance of the expert, to the other groups. Please join us for this amazing opportunity. Please note it is open to C- suite and executive directors only.
Learning Objectives:
After this activity participants should be able to
Participants will review top concerns of C-Suite management.
Participants will break into small groups focused on these top concerns
Participants will present small group discussion findings to the large group