199 - Differential Diagnoses and Treatment of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
Level of Instruction:
Friday, September 29, 2023
5:10 PM – 6:30 PM MDT
Location: Adams Ballroom BCD
Session Description: This presentation will cover the differential diagnosis of the most frequently seen mental health disorders (Anxiety, Depressive, Bipolar, and Schizophrenia Spectrum/Psychotic disorders) and the various substance use disorders (opioid, alcohol, amphetamine, etc.). We will examine the overlap and relationship between disorders and symptoms, examine the criteria for each, and look at how family or past history can help or hinder diagnoses. Particular attention will be paid to changes in symptoms and differential diagnoses as the patient progresses through detox and early treatment. We will also briefly examine the definitions, symptoms, and overlap of the less frequently diagnosed disorders (Paraphilic, Somatic, Sleep-Wake, Dissociative Disorders, and others). We will then discuss treatment options for these disorders including medications and psychosocial services as well as appropriate levels of care. Finally, we will look at the warning signs indicating a possible return to substance use or increased psychiatric problems and ways to prevent a recurrence or relapse in these disorders. Along the way, we will compare these relapse rates and predictors of relapse for SUD, psychiatric, and other medical disorders such as hypertension and type 2 diabetes.
Learning Objectives:
After this activity participants should be able to
Attendees will be able to describe differential diagnosis of the most frequently seen mental health disorders (Anxiety, Depressive, Bipolar, and Schizophrenia Spectrum/Psychotic disorders) and the various substance use disorders.
Attendees will be able to list the various medications available for treatment of substance use and mental health disorders.
Attendees will be able to identify the top 4 predictors of relapse in substance use, mental health, and physical health disorders.